Awaken Love

A Transformational 12-Week Program

Your 3-month catalyst to loving yourself & getting the relationship you dream of. 

Are you ready to break free from your past and embrace a new relationship reality?

If you're tired of repeating old patterns, struggling with self-love, and feeling stuck in your dating life, Awaken Love is the program you've been waiting for.

I know… it can be freaking scary to take that leap. Self-doubt, fear, and practicality can tell you that it isn’t possible to have what you want.

I’m here to show you the ways that you’ve been playing small and getting in your own way with love. It’s time for that to truly change.

You deserve a love that feels like home.

“Love isn’t something you do. Love is who you are. It’s time to embody that.”

-Megan Sherer

Why Awaken Love?

  • Break free from patterns: Say goodbye to self-sabotage, emotional unavailability, and toxic behavior. Awaken Love empowers you to shed old patterns (of who you attract AND how you show up) to create healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

  • Heal past heartbreak: Let go of the pain and stories from past relationships. You will get the tools and support to heal, forgive, and move forward with a renewed sense of optimism in your love life. Learn how to create space for your dream partnership and become settle proof.

  • Embrace self-love: You are the most important relationship you will ever have, so we start there. Awaken Love helps you build a solid foundation of self-esteem and aligned dating strategies, empowering you to attract the love and respect you deserve.

  • 🔍 Do you feel like you’re behind in love or like it’s taking too long? Do you wonder if your person is ever coming?

  • 🔍 Are you constantly dating emotionally unavailable people, or partners who don’t want what you want?

  • 🔍 Do you experience low self-worth, low confidence, fear of rejection, and lots of anxiety in dating/relationships?

  • 🔍 Are you someone who deeply craves love but also isn’t sure what that looks like, and pushes people away when they come close?

  • 🔍 Do you prioritize being chosen by someone else over getting clear on who it is YOU want to choose?

  • 🔍 Are you ready to get out of your own way and heal from your past so you can finally experience the big love you know you’re meant for?

What you’ll experience…

  • Transformational Weekly Topics: Over the course of 12 weeks, we will dive deep into key areas that are essential for your growth and success. From exploring self-esteem and healing past heartbreak to developing communication skills and understanding compatibility, each week is carefully designed to provide you with actionable insights and practical strategies.

  • Expert Guidance and Support: as a trauma-informed holistic therapist and relationship coach, I offer personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs. You'll have access to live somatic practices, coaching sessions, Q&A calls, weekly assignments and a supportive community of women on the same journey.

  • Powerful Exercises and Resources: Awaken Love is not just about theory; it's about taking action. You'll engage in transformative exercises, including somatic work, shadow work, inner child healing, subconscious reprogramming and visualization techniques, all designed to help you embody the changes you desire.

The Modules



Building self-esteem, healing self-worth wounds, and how to truly embody self-love.


Identifying unhealthy patterns in dating and relationships, and exploring shadow work.


Healing from past heartbreak and fully integrating the lessons you needed to learn.


Exploring our old stories and programs through attachment styles and inner child healing.


Trusting yourself, trusting others, trusting the timing of your life, and trusting your intuition.


Nervous system regulation and learning to make safe love feel healthy (and interesting).


Learning & practicing effective communication in every stage of relationships.


Compatibility: non-negotiables, deal breakers, preferences, and core values.


Changing your relationship to loneliness and creating a life you truly love.


Dating strategies and blueprints, and how to become settle proof in your love life.


Interdependence, secure attachment, intentional dating, and filling your toolbox.


Embodiment, community building, and how actively practicing celebration changes your life.

As a coach and holistic therapist, I’m here to teach you the tools and strategies I used to help hundreds of women awaken their love lives (and many now in healthy happy marriages!)

But even more than that, I’m here to help you drop into your embodied confidence, let go of what no longer serves you, and get crystal clear on the love you’re calling in.

You deserve, this.

You will be deeply held through each step of the process by someone who has dedicated her life to teaching about healthy love. You’ll be supported and cheered on by a group of women who will become life-long friends. And you’ll be asked to show up for yourself and your desires in a way you never have before.

about me…

I created Awaken Love because I deeply understand what it’s like to be where you are, and this is the program I always wanted for myself. I’ve healed from patterns of codependence, disorganized attachment, chronic people pleasing, self-abandonment, childhood and relational trauma, and extremely low self-worth and poor body image.

I’m not afraid to admit that I was a total mess in the realm of love, no matter how perfect I tried to appear. I know what it’s like to feel stuck in patterns that feel like they’ll never change, while secretly hoping for the romance of your dreams. I also know what it’s like to come out the other side and create a life for myself that is so full of secure love and authentic joy that every day feels like magic.

My clients do not come out the same person on the other side of working with me. The engagement announcements, weddings, and even now a few babies(!!) are honestly just the cherry on top. Witnessing who they got to become in the process of changing their relationship with love is the real gift.

I never take for granted the impact I get to make because when we learn to love better, we show up in greater love and service in all other areas of our life. I have such a track record of success because I hold sacred space for my clients alongside an UNWAVERING belief that they get to have what’s truly meant for them.

I care deeply about my clients and show up fully for the women I work with to make sure they have every single tool they need to move forward with confidence after our time together. Get ready to finally feel fully SEEN & SUPPORTED.

Take their word for it.

Although our work together is intimate, my clients have been kind enough to share what their transformation has been like because they want YOU to experience it too.

-Lydia G.

“When I first met Megan I honestly didn’t believe that I deserved to experience healthy love. I wanted to, but I just didn’t know how to access that. I had been in a toxic relationship for 2 years and multiple situationships before that. I was truly desperate for love and to feel chosen, but I kept going after the wrong people. Megan not only helped me heal from my messy past, but she helped me finally learn to choose myself. I used to think self-love was a BS concept, but now I truly understand how caring for myself is the basis for a healthy relationship. It’s been 3 years since we first started our work and I am about to get married to the love of my life and the healthiest relationship I have ever had. Megan, I cannot thank you enough. You not only changed my life in so many ways, you saved it.”

-Karley C.

“Megan, this truly has been an amazing journey. I came into the program feeling so hollow, with no sense of self and not exactly believing this would make any change, to now re-connected with an improved version of myself. I now do believe embodying the right energy will bring me to where I want to be, and that has already started happening when I opened up and shared my divorce vulnerably with some of the new friends I made within the past year or two. And I had received nothing but compassion and love in return. I'm so glad I took the leap of faith and went for this program. I've followed your Instagram for quite some time before I reached out, and now it seems like it was all to prepare for this moment. I cannot express how much I appreciate you, this program and our group.


“I knew I needed more than what I was getting out of traditional "talk therapy". I immediately felt at ease within our first session as Megan has a calm, surety about her that made me feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable and dig deep within myself. She taught me how to regulate my nervous system, helped me understand how to fully feel my emotions and then physically release them from my body, but the most profound lesson was when she helped me realize I was sabotaging a potentially great relationship due to some lingering avoidant attachment behaviors. Through the work we've done I've been able to establish my first truly healthy relationship where I'm comfortable being vulnerable, where I feel fully seen and heard, I have an easier time bringing up potentially uncomfortable topics, I'm not constantly overthinking and, I've stopped looking for the exit ramp at every turn. The work we've done has transformed not only my love life, but more importantly the love I have for myself. I'm so grateful our paths crossed when they did.”

-Jennifer L.

Tune into this episode of the Well, Then podcast to hear directly from a client on what it’s like to work with Megan and transform your love life:

“I felt like I'd never be able to find a healthy relationship and it just "wasn't in the cards for me". Through this process I uncovered how deeply disconnected I've been with my own body, what I truly want in a relationship, why, and why I've acted certain ways in the past. I was able to release so many things I didn't even know existed. Serendipitously, I met someone really great during week 2 of the program, and we are currently in a very happy relationship - and I 100% attribute my ability to get there and develop that because of this program and Megan. I've also been able to have conversations with him about all the things I need to build in my life OUTSIDE of our relationship, and this program has given me the tools to do that as well. I feel like a fully fulfilled human on my own, and he gets to be the cherry on top.

-Emily B.

What’s included?


Weekly sessions.

Twelve (90-minute) zoom sessions + multiple bonus coaching calls. Each session will be filled with a variety of teachings, practices, activities, reflections, healing modalities, opportunities for coaching, and assignments to support you.


You will be paired with a buddy/small group pod of 1-3 women for the duration of the program who you will be in regular communication with for accountability and support. Relationship building is so healing!

Resources & Recordings

You will get access to all of the weekly session recordings along with bonus guided meditations and somatic practices, plus PDFs with your weekly homework assignments, lessons and journal prompts.


Group WhatsApp.

We will create a deeper connection and special bond with the women in this group by creating a safe space to share wins, struggles, experiences, check-ins and reflections.

Priority 1:1 Access.

As a member of this program, you will receive discounted and priority access to 1:1 healing and coaching sessions with Megan throughout the duration of the program, and an option to extend your 1:1 support after.


Awaken Love is


you if…

  • You're tired of repeating the same relationship patterns and are ready to break free from self-sabotage and toxic behaviors.

  • You desire to heal from past heartbreak, let go of baggage, and create a fresh start in your love life.

  • You want to develop a deep sense of self-love, boost your self-esteem, and attract healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

  • You're seeking guidance and support in navigating the modern dating landscape and want to develop effective strategies for finding your ideal partner.

  • You're open to personal growth and ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and building a life you love.

  • You crave a supportive community of like-minded women who are also committed to their personal growth and creating extraordinary relationships.

  • You're ready to invest in yourself and prioritize your love journey, knowing that lasting change requires dedication, effort, and expert guidance.

invest in your love journey.

This is an opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. By enrolling in Awaken Love, you'll gain lifetime access to the program's resources, ensuring that you can revisit the lessons and continue your growth long after the 12 weeks are complete.

if not now, when?

(this is where you decide to show up for yourself!)


The next round of Awaken Love will begin in September 2024. The dates and session times will be announced in August, when the waitlist opens up.

Next Steps:

Book an intro call to secure your spot! (Megan will reach out with confirmation of program dates and your call to explore joining the program. When you join during early enrollment you are eligible for a $500 tuition discount.)

Are you in?

Join Awaken Love today.

Are you ready for big love (starting with yourself)? Don't wait another day to transform your love life. Enroll in Awaken Love today and invite in the love you truly deserve.